Monday, June 2, 2008

WOW what a power packed week i had.. hmm life still goes on in school but i know through friday and the weekends, something in my heart has changed. Wow i feel different. i fell like i am the old alvin just that i have changed much and it is the positive side. There is one thing that i have indeed overcomed. and that is lonliness. I know that God will always be there for me. I am never alone.. 1 word and it will change my life. sometimes it just takes a few falls before u realised what u did was wrong and here comes your leader whom took u by ur hand and shook u up from your darkness pit. I was once lost but now i am found. i am so prevelidged to be cared by leaders, loved by pastors. I wanna cherish everything and keep them close to my heart and i will.. Wow.. Hmm today a miracle happened. it was indeed God whom had His hand over this situation.. Here is the story: i dropped my wallet yesterday and only found out this morning. Someine found the wallet and there was my Ic inside thus that person brought the wallet to my house gate and left it at the gate and my dad found it and pass to me. Wow isnt it a miracle? haha.. and what was the most fascinating thing was that nothing was missing in the wallet. not even my photo or the $1.10 that i had left in my wallet.. It must be God.. WOW my Daddy was there for me and looking after me.. haha.. so many times i have been crying out if that was here why did this happen to me?? But now i know that God is in a distance and if i take 1 step closer to Him, He will take 10 steps closer to me. My life is totally changed and i know it is indded going to be better. I will rise up. I will be on fire. I will abide God's word and more that hearer of the word, i will be the doer of the word. ADOPT!! haha